TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - PSA, for those that have new Interior Innovations steering
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Subject PSA, for those that have new Interior Innovations steering
Posted by itsa300zx on June 03, 2015 at 11:05 AM
  This message has been viewed 562 times.

I purchased a new non air bag wheel this past winter, and finally installed it this spring. I have not had to use the horn yet; until a couple days ago, during a very very close call. My blaster did not work and the guy that cut me off slightly made contact with my bumper (although no real damage), but could have been avoided.

Anyways, determined the cause to be the new steering wheel. The contacts for the horn did not make contact with the clocking assembly. Comparing my old and new wheels, the internal splines of the new were much deeper/longer than my original. This caused the wheel to sit about 1/8" to 3/16" closer to the driver, once the wheel was tighten down. (I had tried to push it in further by tighten the nut, but I did not want to be stripping the threads). A quick fix with a die grinder and deburr tool did the job by boring out the splines approx 1/4".

I hope this helps someone from a close call, just because your horns weren't working.

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